Frequently asked questions
What is an IBCLC?
IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. This certification is held by someone who has completed rigorous training which includes 95+ hours of lactation-specific education, 500 to 1000 hours of time in a clinical setting and have passed a board exam. An IBCLC has advanced skills and knowledge and a wide scope of practice and is the most highly regarded breastfeeding support person. For more information, please see https://iblce.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/scope-of-practice-2018.pdf.
Are lactation consults covered by insurance?
There are certain private workplace insurance companies that may cover the cost with the submission of a receipt. Yes! OHIP has recently started covering these services.
If I am exclusively pumping, are you still able to help me?
Yes! I can help with all issues related to pumping, including pump use, flange sizing, frequency of pumping, supply concerns, engorgement, pain, bottle rejection… the list goes on!
I am supplementing with formula. Can you still help me?
Of course! Whether you are doing so by choice or by need, I am here to help you out. If you are choosing to do mixed feeding, I will provide you with information on the best way to do so for both you and baby. If your goal is to eventually exclusively breastfeed, I can help you down that path.
What can I expect during a home visit?
We will always start with a conversation about what your individual goals are. Each family is different and there is no one approach that fits everybody. I am here to help you with your specific needs and desires, not to impose or to cause any added pressure.
After our initial conversation, the following will occur:
I will take a thorough history about yourself, the baby, the birth and the breastfeeding journey so far
I will do a general and oral assessment of baby which includes examining baby’s ability to suck and the functioning of the tongue
I will observe a full feed to assess latch and anything that may be hindering milk transfer or causing challenges to both mom and baby
I will take baby’s weight to determine the amount of milk transfer from the breast, which provides very important information when trying to solve any issues (such as poor weight gain, fussiness at the breast, how much to supplement with, etc.)
In cases where you have chosen to bottle-feed or need to supplement, I will advise on the best practices for bottle feeding to ensure baby is fed comfortably and sufficiently
In cases where mom is using a pump, I can observe a pump session and help troubleshoot various issues, including low output, pain and low supply
Together, we will come up with a plan so you feel empowered and confident to take the next steps on your breastfeeding journey